
Friday, April 1, 2011

Love and Marriage

goes together like a horse and carriage.

I have had a very contemplative week. But it really hit me yesterday as I sat folding laundry and I had to pry a dryer sheet off of a pair of shorts, all the things I/We have learned in our approximate 1 and 1/2 year of marriage. My good friend Kaylie is getting married at the end of May and her shower is this weekend. I work with her mom so we've been talking about it alot. I guess her mom and the dryer sheet kicked me over the contemplative edge. So Kaylie and's to you. A few things I have learned:

 - Your bedroom will never be clean for long again. Not only are you inhabiting it but so is a boy. Drawers will not be shut, hangers will be on the ground, doors to closets will be left open. I just have to get over it. There will be double the clothes and double the shoes.

 - There will always be articles of clothing the other partner does not like. Eventually you will have to grow up and get rid of your high school/college wear. Example:

- I hate dryer sheets. They serve no purpose and only lead to more trash that I have to pick up from under the couch. 

- Decor of grandeur, chic and fashion will be traded in for trophies of this kind. 

- I now understand why my mother always complained about wanting to have a laundry room. I wish I had one. A place to put laundry while folding instead of on the couch. I dream of laundry room designs. 

- It is expensive to be an adult. Insurance (house, medical, car, dog, computer, toes, furniture, teeth, elbows, grass) and bills. 

- Go ahead and splurge on the things you want. You will never again have this freedom with money. Go ahead and stay at that expensive hotel or eat at that snazzy restaurant. 

- Take in each moment of your aromatic showers. Breathe in the bath and body works, feel the bubbles on your soft skin. These may be interrupted at any moment by your husband and a toilet flush. 

- You immediately take place of your husband's roommate's duty. This means going shooting on a Saturday morning, the receiver of all practical jokes, cheerleader for Madden Xbox, and most of all the "hey come see this" checker when he gets off the toilet giggling. 

- Home improvement jobs are a whole lot funner together. 

- Grocery shopping is a highlight of the week when done together. Although, not everyone grocery shops the same way. Some make one huge run, some go on an as needed basis. 

- When you say I do the old woman comes out and replaces the young hip girl. You will go to bed at 9:00 and find that when out past 8 at night you become panicky because you are not in your pajamas laying on the couch. There becomes an inability to stay out late. 

- It is now ok to go shopping alone. It is actually therapeutic. 

- The house feels empty when the other one is not there. 

- Playing footsies in bed helps me relax and fall asleep...also solitaire on my phone. 

- The minute you get off your plane from your honeymoon, you will wish you were back there. You will always make references to "I wish we were back in _______" "Remember when we went to _______" 


- Things like this are realllly funny. 

- You will buy a dog to satisfy your baby fever. Your camera will be full of dog pictures doing funny things, in funny poses. Example: 

- Road trips are a great way to be alone when life is stressing you out. 

- Revisiting college and where you met is always refreshing to a stale relationship. 

- The TV remote is yours no more. 

- Friends are important. Keep them close. 

The dogs of each family are missing. Left to Right: Toby, Dixie, Copper, Abby
How precious. I hope they all go to college together and are life long friends. 

- Some days I feel like this and some days I don't. 

- Paychecks are never as big as they were when you were single. 

- The house does not clean itself. Mom won't clean it either. 

- Bathtubs and bathrooms get a lot dirtier a lot faster. 

- I can't cook. I cry when I cook. 

- You both say dumb things. Giggle about it then blow it off. 

- Husbands have this thing about spending all your free time at your parents house. And moms have this thing about not always paying for your meals. 

- I learned a lot about football and Will learned a lot about Chelsea Handler. 

- Playing hookie at work on a cold rainy day is an excellent way to spend a Tuesday. Get a season of Friday Night Lights and a blanket. You got it made. 

- You will be asked "When you having babies" You will respond "As soon as yours get out of the youth group."

- Real Marriage is different than the fantasy of college idea of marriage. Better. 

That's all I got. I leave you with this. 
I can GUARANTEE you that is exactly what I will be doing. Thanks for the suggestion. 

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